There are 1,138 locations in DOFbasen in the area covered by DOF Copenhagen.
That’s a lot and of course not all of them are equally interesting. But make no mistake, a visit to a small watering hole or a small urban park can offer great and surprising experiences with birds. In Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen, for example, the Black-headed Gull, Short-toed Treecreeper and Turtle Dove have been spotted.
If you want to know more about the locations that have been created in DOFbasen in DOF Copenhagen or elsewhere in the country, you can zoom in on the map that appears in the top left corner of the DOFbasens front page.
If you are on DOFbasen to view observations, you can click on the location name of an observation and the same window will pop up.
For example, you can click here and start with the observations from the locations that have been reported to DOFbasen from the DOF Copenhagen area today.
Some of the exciting locations include Bognæs, Jægersborg Dyrehave, Kongelunden, Køge Sydstrand, Mølleåen, Roskilde Fjord, Stevns, Utterslev Mose, Kalvebod Fælled and Ølsemagle Revle.
In 2017, DOF København commisioned a report titled „Ynglende engfugle og vandfugle på Kalvebod Fælled 2017‟ (Breeding meadow birds and waterfowl on Kalvebod Fælled 2017), which led to the website Fugle på Kalvebod Fælled ( – website is in Danish). The website and report are a great resource for all bird enthusiasts visiting Kalvebod Fælled.